Convert sized float to string, the size can be f32 or f64.
Input stack: floating-point-number
Output stack: string-of-number
pushes a string representation of given number to the top of the stack.
PumpkinDB> 3.14159f32 F32/->STRING.
Space for string representation of number will be allocated.
EmptyStack error if stack is empty.
InvalidValue error if stack value cannot be converted to integer.
works_f32 : 3.14159f32 F32/->STRING "3.14159" EQUAL?.
neg_works_f32 : -2.1f32 F32/->STRING "-2.1" EQUAL?.
empty_stack : [F32/->STRING] TRY UNWRAP 0x04 EQUAL?.
invalid_value : ["NOT A NUM" F32/->STRING] TRY UNWRAP 0x03 EQUAL?.
works_f64 : 3.14159f64 F64/->STRING "3.14159" EQUAL?.
neg_works_f64 : -2.1f64 F64/->STRING "-2.1" EQUAL?.
empty_stack : [F64/->STRING] TRY UNWRAP 0x04 EQUAL?.
invalid_value : ["NOT A NUM" F64/->STRING] TRY UNWRAP 0x03 EQUAL?.